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People matter. Love matters. We are a group of people growing together in our relationships with Christ and with each other. God wants a personal and intimate relationship with each person, and He made that possible through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.


Please join us!


Cross Point Church
Continental Breakfast
Kids in Church
10 AM

We are casual and contemporary. Come as you are. We are all unique and diverse, so you'll fit right in!

Manual T-Coil system is offered

to those who prefer a listening device. Cross Point Church is also

handicapped accessible.

9:30 AM


Come early and stay late! The cafe opens at 9:30 for a quick cup of coffee or tea before service. Afterward, stay to enjoy beverages and snacks. 

Always free!


Kids' Church is held during our worship service every Sunday. We believe that it's important to give our children a firm Biblical foundation to help them as they grow.

Ages 3 to 11.


To worship God, tell the world about Jesus, build each other up in love, and make a positive impact on our communities

and world.


We worship the one true God with our hearts, spirits and lives demonstrating love, reverence, joy, and celebration. 

Love the World

We believe in reaching our world for Christ, bringing the Gospel beyond the four walls of the church building.

Bible Lesson

We build one another through community, relationship, discipleship and teaching


Watch a livestream or catch up on YouTube!


Kids in Church
The Next Generation





Men's Bible study
Women's Bible study

Men's Study

Women's Study

Prayer Group


If you peel back all the wrappings, you'll eventually come down to four basic core truths at the heart of our church. They weave in and through all the teaching, music, preaching, discussions, and everything we do:


Ordinary, imperfect people (like you and me) can be friends with God.

The Lord is holy, true, and loving. He's the ultimate ruler of the world, with authority over all things in it. Yet, He takes notice of each individual on this planet and wants to have a relationship with us!


God cares about your physical well-being.

Why wouldn't He? If He made your body in the first place and gave it the breath of life, of course He would want it to be healthy!  Jesus spent a great deal of His time here on earth healing the sick, and His followers quickly took up where He left off. We take the scriptures about healing quite literally, and openly follow them in our church.


A whole extra dimension of God's power can be yours.

When Jesus returned to heaven after His mission on earth was completed, God sent the Holy Spirit to help strengthen Jesus' followers. Timid disciples became bold and empowered. Special gifts of the Holy Spirit flowed through them. And He's active and moving in our lives today!


Soon God's Son will return to earth

The night before Jesus died on the cross, He said, "I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am." Christ's return to earth isn't a myth, metaphor or figure of speech - It's a coming reality. We don't know when, but the main question on that day will be what we've done with God's offer of peace and forgiveness. Which brings us right back to Truth #1!


You can find more information on our Statement of Faith here.





Cross Point Church is located on Briggs St between Bruce Rd and Oak Ave. Access to Cross Point Church is east of Briggs St on Bruce Rd across from the Lockport Township Fire Department.

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